Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What Would Be A Dream Website To Me?

I keep going on and on about this website I'm putting together, but it never seems to materialize--just a bunch of hot air.

Do people like you even wonder if I really AM putting together a website or if I'm just talking about it and not doing anything?

A writer friend once told me that he belonged to this group for awhile where members would sit around and share what they'd written with each other.

He said that there was this one guy who came to the group but never shared anything.  He always came there dressed like a writer (or his interpretation of a writer--stuff like wearing a certain kind of suit and always smoking a pipe) and carried around a pen and notebook with him.

However, Paul (not Paul Enger but another writer) said that he was starting to suspect that this gentleman was simply living in a fantasy world of sorts and liked the IDEA of being a writer but probably hadn't written that first word that would, at least, get him started on the REALITY of being a writer.

Just as not all people who write wear certain kinds of suits and smoke pipes, not all people who wear certain kinds of suits and smoke pipes are writers.

I'm not sure what people who build websites usually wear...but let's just say that I definitely have a style of my own--and, yes, I truly AM building a website!!!

It's just taking me more time to put it all together than I thought it would.

One of many reasons for this (with the other reasons having to do with various distractions) is that I'm not just putting together a website but, instead, am putting together my dream website.

In the past, I've made what I thought would be the ultimate website--but it turned out not to be the ultimate website, though each website I made had some of the characteristics of the ultimate website (with the term "ultimate website" being more accurately defined as a dream website--but not just ANY dream website but, instead, MY dream website).

Anyway, I'm now finally putting together what I believe will enjoy lasting status as my dream website.

So, what are the characteristics I'm seeking in a website (kinda like husband-hunting in a way  LOL)?

When I first set out to make my dream website (like a first attempt as such), I was still relatively new to Cyberspace and didn't know squat about it compared to what I do now.

One thing I knew that I wanted, however, was something at least slightly resembling organization.  That is, a website where there would be links to many--if not all--of my favorite online haunts all in one place.

It would also be a place of networking where I could help others. 

It might even become a source of income for me--though, at the time when I was initially putting this together, I didn't really see how that could be to any great extent, though it might bring in some pin money. 

As you'll soon find out, I'm thinking a whole lot more ambitiously now and know a whole lot more re: how to make things come to pass.

So, again...What are the characteristics I'm seeking in a website?

*The Ability To Organize*

My website will, to the best of my abilities, eventually link to close to 100% of everywhere I hang out in Cyberspace.  

This will make it so that I'll have things pretty much at my fingertips when I might want to refer somebody to something found at one or more of those locations.  

This will also save me a lot of time when it comes to searching for something.  

At the time when I first grand-open it, a lot of this will be done, but there will still be some things needing to be added.  

Of course, there will always be new things needing to be added, as I'm always creating something new, finding a new place to hang out, etc.

*Providing Food For The Spirit*

The spiritual side of me is what I live and breathe.  

I'm a creation of God--which means that I'm a creation of Love, because God is Love!!!  Without God/Love, I wouldn't even exist!!!  

I celebrate my spiritual side through the Christian Walk, and that's one thing that will never change with me.  

However, I would never pass laws that would force you to celebrate your spirituality exactly as I celebrate mine, because you are you and I am I, and how you see God should never be something dictated by laws but, instead, by personal feelings or it wouldn't even be real!  

My website will have spiritual things here and there--things such as an online Bible, devotionals, links to websites, etc.  No matter what you believe, you're welcome to look at them.  

I'll also be putting up links to sites, blogs, etc. of people who might not believe as I do.  The only religions I won't ever feature on here in positive ways would be satanism or some belief system (even if it's one calling itself a Christian one) that promotes hate.

*Networking Capabilities*

I love to network--to be able to introduce people of like minds to each other so that they might be able to put their heads together when it comes to making positive changes in the universe.

Networking also means getting the word out about people who are trying to make a living but need for people to know about their businesses, items to sell, talents, etc.

It also means finding people who are interested in getting with me to help me to realize at least some of my dreams.

And there are countless other ways to network and purposes for the same.  Therefore, you will find a great deal of networking when you visit my website--when I get it ready to grand-open, that is.

*Encouraging Return Visits*

Obviously, this is important!

I want my website to offer so much variety--with all of it displayed in pleasing ways--that it will become a popular place in Cyberspace where people will not only go to check it out once but, also, will return time and time again!
*Five E Quality*


*Earning Capabilities*

Now that I've had more experience in Cyberspace (I'm 60 now but didn't start computing until I was almost 46 years old), I realize that it affords me opportunities to not only make a little pin money here and there but, also, the opportunities that will actually lead to my being gainfully self-employed--in short, a very successful entrepreneur.

Therefore, the bringing in of some much-needed cash will also be an impotant feature of my dream website--but, hopefully, without OVERLY-commercializing my talents to the point that there's an atmosphere of:

"Grease my palm!" 

instead of:

"I have a lot I want to share with you, and I hope that what I'm sharing will help to make the world a better place!"

Actually, I hope my website will both make the world a better place AND grease my palm!

After all, while the world needs all of the making it better it can get, my palm is also in need of a very good greasing!

*And Then Some*

Which simply means that the possibilities are endless when it comes to my dream website.  At this point, I have only a limited idea of what all it can do, but I hope that, whatever it does, it will always be good and do no harm!

So, I guess that this just about says it all...(for now, anyway)...

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Operation Free-Up-Space Now In Progress!!!

Before I get to new business, I would like to encourage you to read Click Here To Get Money!!! if you haven't already. 

That's the title of the last entry I made in this blog, and I didn't want it to get lost in the shuffle.

However, I couldn't just let it go on keeping its place on the main page when it's time to update this blog with the news that Operation Free-Up-Space is now in progress!!!

Sooooooooooooooo...Just what exactly IS Operation Free-Up-Space? 

Well, it's just what it sounds like it is:  I'm freeing up space!

Blogger is an amazing place to create blogs for absolutely no charge--but the materials (templates, etc.) with which you have to work are priceless!

However, one IS "limited" re: how many blogs one can have going at the same time.

One can have "only" 100 at a time! 

Now, I've been dealing with Blogger for several years, and you can imagine that I would be one of those people who really jumps into something at times.

I created blogs with certain themes with the best of intentions--and, then, I would end up creating other blogs around the same theme.  Plus, I would start something that I had every intention of keeping up with but only made a handful of posts that had sentimental value but became dated over the years.

In short, I was in the process of learning how to create really good blogs, but I had a lot to learn.

Therefore, several of those 100 opportunities for creating blogs were being taken up with a blog scrap here and a blog scrap there.

Now, I have the hang of it better, so I'm now going along, recopying the blog entries in those scraps of blogs, and pasting them into another private Blogger blog that I've now set aside for serving as a kind of filing cabinet.

Then, I delete the blog scraps and free up more spaces for brand new and improved blogs.

That just happens to be what I'm doing at the moment.

Once I get this done (or, at least, enough of it done for now to take care of today's projects), I'll be creating some more blogs and getting them all fancied up.

I have one already close to being finished called Just Click Here! that I'll be grand-opening as soon as I add a couple of finishing touches to it.

For now, I'm going to close and get back to work on Operation Free-Up-Space...       

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Click Here To Get Money!!!

Imagine coming across a link like this one:

What would you do?

Would you click on it without hesitation?


Would you avoid it like the plague?

Well, I've given you the opportunity to make that choice right here on this very page!

 Don't worry!  This is a safe link in that it takes you to all of the details but doesn't force you to buy and/or sign up for anything.

I'll just disclose this much:  If you get money, then, I'll get money, too!!!

Sound like a sweet deal?  Believe me when I say that it is!!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

A Pretty Good Progress Report

At this time, I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself, as I've made some significant progress over the past day or so.

Although this is just a small part of my enterprise, I was able to get two of my Amazon stores up and ready for customers. I used this blog and another one for connecting places.  You can find one of the connecting places here.  Just look to your left (over in the left margin), and you'll see transportation to a store in which I feel I have more than a little bit of expertise re: what's being sold there:  FOOD!!!

You can find a link to my other store (which is called A Sentimental Journey) at the top of my blog called Jukeboxes, Attics, Backroads, and Rocking Chairs.   Both the store and my blog share a historical/nostalgic theme. 

For now, that's the biggest news other than to say that I'm working on even more things behind the scenes, so (more of) the best is yet to come..............................

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Many Baby Steps Mixed With Occasional Strides

There is so much to do in preparation for having the network of my dreams set up, but I believe it will be up and going sooner instead of later.  We can only hope, anyway.

One thing that will be helpful in this is that it soon will be time for my monthly food shopping spree again and I'll, once more, have the makings for creating a wide variety of dishes.

I've been reading up on some helpful hints for getting my body to absorb food in such a way that it will be leaving me with more energy.  I'll be talking about some of the changes I've been making in the time to come.

However, I'm too sleepy to go into everything at this time and need to get in bed very soon...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Big Project As Seen From Behind The Scenes

Think about all of the intricate work that goes into putting together an outdoor Christmas display,  and you will have at least an inkling of an idea of what I've been doing behind the scenes.

For starters, what am I trying to accomplish through all of this busy work?

The answer is that I'm working on connecting various places where I land--at least, occasionally, and, often, a lot--while traveling around in Cyberspace.

The purpose of this is to make it easier for both others and myself to keep up with me with less trouble.

From here behind the scenes, I can already see that this Xtreme makeover of my Internet life is going to look very impressive when I get it done enough to show off.

 However, this definitely DOES remind me of getting everything put together for a Christmas display--things such as finding all of the various parts of it and getting those strands of Christmas lights unraveled and tested for missing/worn out bulbs--and, finally, getting to the place where everything's connected and it's time to turn everything on.

The end result should be ending up with a wonderful display of lights and other decorations--and it usually is (if not with the first attempt, at least, eventually).  However, it could also result  in a short-circuiting of the entire neighborhood!  UGH!

There might be a certain risk in what I'm now undertaking (though nothing of a really deadly serious nature) in the sense that I might be missing out on other things while working on this only to find out that it actually isn't doable.

However, I'm quite confident that this won't happen--and, even if it did, I would at least know what definitely doesn't work...

Anyway, my plans now are to go to bed really soon, as I can barely hold my head up...

Welcome Aboard My Ship!

Welcome aboard my ship!

What ship!?!

Why, my entrepreneurship, of course!  LOL

On Tuesday, January 29, 2013, I began this blog for the purpose of writing about my experiences as an ENTREPRENEUR.

In case you're wondering, the hyperlink I've just shared goes to the definition of entrepreneur according to Dictionary.com.

While you can read more by actually going there, I can give you an excerpt (that best defines the kind of entrepreneur I am) of how entrepreneur has been defined there...

"a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk."

I'm now going to take you to what Dictionary.com has to say about ENTERPRISE...

"a project or undertaking, esp one that requires boldness or effort"

I believe this is a pretty good description of what I'm up to doing--which is, for starters, taking steps to make myself more organized, visible, and effective in Cyberspace in a number of different areas from communication to doing business.

This will be the blog where I write about it all, so please keep on returning to read this and see what I'm up to next...